Get That Out Of Your Mouth! Three Crazy Methods Of Replacing Missing Teeth Throughout History

Dental implants serve more purposes than just restoring a person's confidence with the perfect smile. They are also used to help support other teeth in your mouth, help enhance your ability to chew correctly and they can stimulate the bone formation in your jawbone. What you may not have known is that dental implants have been around for over 4000 years, when ancient China first began to replace missing teeth with pegs made from carved bamboo. [Read More]

It S Important To Properly Care For Your New Braces

If you are going to be going in to get braces then learning some tips for caring for them can make it easier to get used to wearing them and make the experience a more comfortable one. While you can expect those first few days to be uncomfortable, there are still ways to make them more tolerable. This article will help you to get through the first few days and the rest of the time you have to wear braces so you can get your teeth straighter without a lot of problems. [Read More]

2 Dental Rinses To Help Extend The Life-Expectancy Of Your Dental Bridge

A number of missing teeth can lead to numerous functionality issues with your mouth and teeth. Missing teeth can disrupt your natural smile and bite. In addition, these teeth can cause other teeth to grow in crooked. As a result, a dental bridge is often a good solution to this problem. It will not only fill in the gaps, but it will help to promote the health of your additional teeth. [Read More]

How To Calm Your Fear Of The Dentist's Office

Cold sweats, clammy hands, and increased heartbeat – these are just a few signs of the anxiety that can come from your regular dental appointment. But you're not alone in the absolute horror you have for your sojourn in the dentist's chair – studies show that as many as 20% of the population fear the dentist so much that they go out of their way to avoid going to dental appointments. [Read More]