Homemade Mouthwash For Your Particular Taste

There are a number of mouthwashes in your local drug store to choose from. The flavors range from bubble gum to pungent antiseptic. If you're tired of how these commercial products taste, make your own. Experiment with some of the following mouthwash home recipes and you may find a flavor combination that you actually enjoy.

Talk With Your Dentist First

You may have a particular dental condition that precludes using certain substances in a mouthwash, or you may need something that you can't add to a home recipe. For example, if your dentist tells you that you have weak enamel, hydrogen peroxide is something you don't want in a mouthwash because it can weaken the enamel further. You would also want a mouthwash that contains fluoride to strengthen the enamel surface. Fluoride can't be added to these homemade mouthwashes.

The Basic Mouthwash Recipes

For herbal and water-based mouthwashes:

  1. Boil the water to remove impurities.
  2. Pour the hot water over the herbs.
  3. Allow the mixture to sit for several hours.
  4. Strain the solution, bottle and use right away.

For oil-infused mouthwashes:

  1. Boil the water and allow to sit until room temperature.
  2. Slowly mix the oil with the water.
  3. Let this mixture sit for a few minutes.
  4. Bottle and use right away.

General tips for all recipes:

  • Start with filtered or distilled water that contains no chlorine or heavy minerals.
  • Use the freshest ingredients possible for the best results.
  • Make a new batch every few days and throw out what you haven't used.

Mouthwash Ingredients With Which to Experiment

  • Aloe Vera - This plant has antibacterial properties to kill the germs that cause bad breath. It has a mild taste.
  • Anise - The seeds of this plant have a licorice flavor. It has antimicrobial properties to help treat sores or infections in the mouth or on the gums.
  • Basil - This herb has antimicrobial properties. It is also a strong antioxidant. It has a strong taste and smell which can make it difficult to use over long periods.
  • Cardamom - The smell and taste of this herb is so strong that people use it as a decongestant. It's antimicrobial properties make it useful in treating a sore throat.
  • Cinnamon - This common spice is high in antioxidants and has some antimicrobial properties. 
  • Coriander - The seeds of this plant are slightly citric when steeped in boiling water. The mixture is high in antioxidants.
  • Fennel - This is an aromatic herb with strong antimicrobial properties. It can be used against fungal infections in the mouth.
  • Sage - This herb gives the mouthwash a slight pepper smell and flavor. It also has anti-fungal and antibiotic properties.

Mix and match these ingredients to create a mouthwash you look forward to using.

For more help with dentistry issues, contact a professional like Stephen P. Cary, DMD.
