What You Should Know About Tooth Decay As A Smoker

Anybody that smokes has surely heard about the effects it can have on your health. However, the effects on your teeth can be just as bad. If you didn't think that smoking impacted your oral health, be sure to know the following things about tooth decay and smoking. Smoking Causes Plaque Buildup Some people wrongly assume that the quantity of how much they smoke has an effect on their teeth. The truth is that it doesn't matter if you've smoked one cigarette or one pack of cigarettes each day, it all contributes to tooth decay. [Read More]

How Your Cold Can Cause Gingivitis

When you get a cold, you will most likely experience nasal congestion, a sore throat, sneezing, and possibly, body aches. While these are the most common symptoms of a rhinovirus infection, your cold may actually heighten your risk of developing gum disease. While not common, gum inflammation, pain, redness, and bleeding can develop in conjunction with your cold. Here are two ways a cold can put you at risk for gingivitis and what you can do about them: [Read More]

How To Know Whether Your Child Needs General Or Local Anesthesia For Extensive Dental Treatments

Advances in anesthetics have allowed dental treatment to be almost pain-free. However, invasive treatments such as filling deep cavities or doing root canals can still be unsettling for small children. When a small child needs dental treatment, most dentists will either wait until the child can hold still for the duration of the treatment or recommend general anesthesia. Once your child is around five or six years old, they may be able to have successful treatments with only local anesthesia. [Read More]

What Will A Smile Makeover Include If You Have Small Teeth?

A smile makeover includes different dental treatments for each patient because these makeovers are designed to maximize your smile based on the specific issues you're experiencing. Small or undersized teeth are a common complaint that causes patients to seek out a total smile makeover. You'll likely need a combination of the following five dental treatments in order to get a smile with even, gap-free teeth. Veneers The main way to give an undersized tooth a larger and more shapely appearance is to cover it with a durable and natural-looking veneer. [Read More]