Five Reasons To Replace A Missing Tooth With An Implant

Taking care of your smile is necessary for good health. If you do have a missing tooth, consider replacing it with an implant. There are many benefits you can reap.

Reduce Bone Loss

When you lose a tooth, the bone begins to weaken. This is because your jaw bone puts on new growth in response to the stress felt by rooted teeth. Bone loss won't be severe if it is only one missing tooth, but it can be quite extreme if you are missing more than one. Since implants are placed in the bone similar to a tooth root, they provide the necessary stress for encouraging healthy jaw bone growth and development.

Ensure Good Nutrition

Missing multiple teeth can make it hard to chew. Nutrient-dense foods, like vegetables, can be especially hard to eat so it isn't uncommon for those suffering tooth loss to also suffer from nutrient deficiencies. Fortunately, implants look and perform much like natural teeth. Whereas dentures can make it difficult to eat many foods, implants can handle all the same foods that you enjoyed with your natural teeth. This makes it much easier to maintain a healthy diet.

Prevent Tooth Stress

The loss of even one tooth can affect your bite and how you chew. For example, if you lose a molar on your right side, you may begin favoring chewing on your left side. This puts stress on other teeth, which can lead to jaw pain or increased tooth wear. Replace the tooth with an implant and your bite and chewing patterns won't change, so the rest of your teeth will remain healthy. Further, you will be less prone to issues like jaw pain.

Increase Confidence

A missing tooth, particularly one in a visible location, can affect your self-confidence. An implant is virtually indistinguishable from your natural teeth. Your dentist will even take steps to match the color to the rest of your teeth so no one can tell that you have an implant. This can provide a major boost to your self-image.

Easy Hygiene

Dentures require daily maintenance and periodic repairs, but an implant requires no special care beyond your normal dental hygiene practices. You brush and floss around it just as you do with the rest of your teeth. Repairs are rarely necessary, and the only ongoing dentist visits you need are your regular checkups and cleanings.

Contact a dental implant service to learn more.  
